— by Margie Doyle, Editor/Publisher —

We solicit articles and sometimes editorials and contract with local journalists to write for Orcas Issues. As publisher and owner, I also read the comments submitted, and sometimes seek to publish them as individual articles or editorials when they are particularly well-expressed.

I also edit comments if the information known within them is inaccurate, or if they are derogatory of private individuals, or if they are repetitive or illogical. Yes, this is my call, in great part because I have personal ethics to maintain, and because I have no obligation to print, in this private media enterprise, supported by the local and journalistic community, comments or articles which I feel do not serve my community.

We try to promote discussion, but when it becomes labored, repetitive and in one reader’s opinion (shared by others over the last months) “a buzzkill” that stymies the purpose of a community forum, we look to ways to accommodate measures that promote the purposes of community journalism.

Comments will be limited at the editor’s discretion so that the valuable discussions at Orcas Issues will better serve all readers.  We may limit the number of comments per posting, or the number of comments per person per month.

We can’t make everybody happy, but we do labor to serve our community.


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