— from Senator Kevin Ranker —

This morning, the Senate Ways & Means Committee heard testimony in a public hearing on a new proposal, Senate Bill 6620, which would enhance school safety and raise the age for purchase of a tactical rifle.

No family should be fearful to send their child to school. No community should have to live through another tragedy. There is no justifiable reason for tactical rifles to be easier to acquire than handguns, and the horrific shooting in Parkland just provided 17 more reasons why.

We see and hear students across the country standing up for their communities, for their lives. We hear them; we are inspired by them. In a time when school shootings are becoming the norm, we owe it to our children to take action.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] No family should be fearful to send their child to school.   [/perfectpullquote]

Senate Bill 6620 would create a school safety program that allows students to anonymously report by phone, text or email potentially dangerous, violent or criminal activities. Information would immediately be forwarded to local law enforcement and/or school officials. It also would align the requirements for sale of a rifle with tactical features with existing requirements for handguns. Purchasers would have to be 21 or older.

As a cosponsor of Senate Bill 6620 I will fight to move this legislation forward in the final days of session.