— from Aaron Wasser —

From left to right is David Ramsay, Premier Christy Clark of BC, Kevin Ranker, and Richard Dunn of Encana. (CREDIT: PNWER)

From left to right is David Ramsay, Premier Christy Clark of BC, Kevin Ranker, and Richard Dunn of Encana. (CREDIT: PNWER)

Sen. Kevin Ranker’s one-year term as President of the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region came to a close Wednesday during a ceremony in Whistler, British Columbia with the formal passing of the gavel to the organization’s incoming President David Ramsey.

Ranker, who represents the 40th Legislative District in the Washington State Senate, said he plans to remain heavily involved in PNWER and looks forward to the leadership of Ramsey, who also serves as Northwest Territories Minister of Justice and Industry, Tourism, and Investment, as well as Minister responsible for the NWT Public Utilities Board.

“PNWER is the best example there is of what can be accomplished when states, provinces and countries work together to advance the goals of their governments, businesses and their people,” Ranker said. “It was an absolute honor and privilege to serve as President of such an exemplary organization that will only continue to thrive under President Ramsey’s leadership.

“My time with PNWER is far from over. I will do everything I can to continue to maximize the potential of our beautiful corner of the world for the betterment of our district, our state and our country.”

During his term as President, Ranker’s achievements for PNWER included:

  • The first ever Climate and Energy Dialogue in Banff, Alberta where for the first time representatives from all ten PNWER jurisdictions discussed ways to work together toward lowering carbon emissions.
  • PNWER’s third Arctic Forum at the Capital Building in Washington, DC was attended by many PNWER members and the entire Alaskan Congressional delegation.
  • PNWER’s Sixth Annual Legislative Leadership Academy in Banff, Alberta which helps leaders in both countries understand the practical differences between U.S. and Canadian politics and government.
  • PNWER’s continued input from regional stakeholders to both federal governments for the Beyond the Border Initiative and Regulatory Cooperation Council announced by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper in February 2011.
  • The expansion of the Legislative Energy Horizon Institute (LEHI) certificate program from a two-year course to an annual program. The program is designed for legislators to understand the functionality of the region’s energy infrastructure.

“Sen. Ranker has been an outstanding leader for the state of Washington, and has put an outstanding effort into working regionally to find solutions to cross-border issues,” said PNWER Executive Director Matt Morrison.

Formed in 1991, PNWER is a non-partisan, public-private partnership that includes Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon and the Northwest Territories in Canada; and Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Washington and Montana in the United States. The regional partnership of 10 U.S. states and Canadian provinces works to increase the economic well-being, coordinate energy, economic and environmental strategies and enhance the competitiveness of the region. The partnership represents a combined regional GDP of $1 trillion.

Ranker was first appointed as the delegate from Washington State to PNWER in 2010. He served as the organization’s vice president in the two years leading up to his election as PNWER’s President.

The PNWER president heads the executive committee, which is the decision-making body of PNWER. The president also represents the organization in annual visits to Washington, D.C., Ottawa, and state and provincial capitals within the region. The PNWER president and vice-president must be elected officials. These two posts alternate annually between elected legislators from the United States and Canada.