The Specks at the 2012

The Specks at the 2012 San Francisco Trek Convention where Ken and Karen Speck made the semi finals dressed as Starfleet Captains.

For 7 Nights!

June 21-27,  8 p.m. at  SeaView Theater

By Karen Key Speck

In 1966, Gene Roddenberry didn’t know the success and longevity his creation “Star Trek” would achieve.  Nearing its golden anniversary, “Star Trek” is more popular today than when it aired in Technicolor on NBC. No other radio, TV, or comic series has achieved the popularity of “Star Trek”.   The Guinness World Book of Records lists “Star Trek” has having the largest number of spin-off TV series(four) and movies (twelve). “Star Trek” is ranked #1 in TV Guide’s list of the “30 Top Cult Shows Ever!” (29 June 2007 issue).

From June 21-27, Orcas’s own SeaView Theater will host showings of the latest incarnation – “Star Trek Into Darkness” at 8pm each night (doors open at 7:30pm).  Starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, the latest movie will take movie goers back to the early days of the Starship Enterprise, shortly after her young crew, fresh out of the Academy, is assigned to their “five year mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and civilizations…to boldy go where no man has gone before.”

Orcas residents, Ken and Karen Speck, Star Trek fans for over 40 years, will welcome movie goers each night (except 6/26).  Ken and Karen Speck will be displaying some of their Trek memorabilia in the SeaView lobby display case during the run of the Trek movie.   Items on display will range from movie posters, books, props, dinnerware, action figures, Trek telephones, standees, clothing and more.

Why do people enjoy “Star Trek”?  Likely because “Star Trek” speaks to the human condition.  Trek is not a space opera, nor about monsters and aliens.  It’s about a future where mankind has mostly surpassed color and creed and hate and crime.  It’s about hope.  Hope for humanity.  “Star Trek” is not dark nor is it apocalyptic and depressing.  There is triumph and humor.  It is about friendships and honor.

What’s great about the new movie?  Though we no longer have our beloved William Shatner portraying Captain Kirk, we have a reboot of the basic tenets of “Star Trek” and with today’s technology the movie is action-packed start to finish.  The best thing of all is one doesn’t have to be familiar with Trek to enjoy the movie and have a good time.  But if you know “Trek”  there’s plenty of “insider gems” to keep the most ardent Trekkie happy.