Bring your fruit for taste selections on Halloween

By Madrona Murphy

The Orcas Science Club and the Funhouse invite you to a heritage and locally adapted fruit tasting on Halloween!

Between 4 and 5:30 pm, fruit from heritage apple trees and from the rugged volunteer pear and apple trees that grow around Orcas will be available for tasting and comparison. Help us identify promising new cultivars and determine which heritage varieties they stem from. We welcome contributions of your own apples and pears for comparison (we’ll attempt to identify the variety for you as well).

Science Club students and Kwiaht science advisers will be on hand to answer questions about their study of apple and pear nutrition, genetics, propagation and chemistry (funding for this project generously provided by the Orcas Island Community Foundation).

Contact Kwiaht botanist Madrona Murphy ( for more information.