Many hands and backs turned a lot of soil

Many hands and backs turned a lot of soil

How It’s Grown – Thanks to SO MANY!

— from Madie Murray —

It has been about three years and a lot of events – from the first turn of the soil by hand to create the expanded school garden to the first trickle of water onto the seedlings from the rainwater catchment tank.  And, it has been a result of many…from the 50+ volunteers who showed up to turn that soil and fix the posts, to the installation of the irrigation system.

From the beginning it has been a labor of love, time and financial generosity, and we’re going to make an effort to acknowledge as many as possible.  Please forgive us we overlooked even one of you…

A fence like no other

A fence like no other

Fence posts – Learner Limbach, Tom Gossett, Evan Allred, Chelsea Cates – split by hand
Fencing – Andrew Stephens & Bill Griswold fencing materials; Ezra Richardson & Pablo Nunez, fence installation
Garden Gates – Jorgen Harle, Tom Gossett, Evan Allred – metal forging (work in progress) by O.I. Elementary Students in Jorgen’s blacksmith shop
Tilling & Lime – Rob Harlow
Cob Oven – Learner Limbach, FEAST, Pizza by James Ferraris
Cob Oven Cover and Benches – Rollie Sauer, David Adrien, Lowe’s employees & grant money

One of a kind!

One of a kind!

School Garden Catchment System Now Fully Operational!
Rainwater catchment tank – Donated by the Dave Abrams Family
Irrigation System – Dave Abrams, Jain Irrigation, Inc., Joe Maduska, Craig Sanders, ESWD, Roy Light (pump installation)
Installation & Educational Classes: Craig Sanders, Ken Blair
Worm Compost Bin – Grades 7-8 Farm to Classroom students, Steve Diepenbrock
New 3-Bin Soil Composter – Tom Gossett, Orcas Island Garden Club

Countless pounds of dirt were moved by the kids to garden areas

Countless pounds of dirt were moved by the kids.

Soil and Woodchips – San Juan Sanitation, Earthworks, Orcas Island School District
Garden Mosaic Art – Issa Parker & O.I. Elementary Students
Weather Station (work in progress) – Garden Club, Master Gardeners, Tom Gossett
Raised Boxes & Large Garden Bench – Tom Gossett (bench wood donated by Rollie Sauer)
Perennial plants – Donated by various community members, Bullocks
Grants – Orcas Island Garden Club (2), Master Gardeners, OIEF, OICF, Lowe’s Foundation, Whole Foods and Home Depot

As it looks today

As it looks today – and more to come!

Our Teachers, Our Garden Keeper Chelsea and School Administration – for supporting this amazing learning space
Orcas Island Elementary & Middle School Students – for your hard work and creativity continually manifesting this beautiful space, for your enthusiasm, care, and joy in planting, digging, learning, weeding, watering, and harvesting! You are extraordinary individuals!
Our Incredible Community – For coming out to turn the soil and set the posts, for working with the kids, for plant donations, discounts, monetary donations, skill donations, time donations.

You have made this all possible!
Please continue to enjoy the garden and be a part of the love!