— from Eric Webb, Orcas Schools Superintendent —

Dear Students, Parents, & Community,

It is hard to believe that it has only been 14 days since Governor Inslee issued the proclamation to close schools across the state for six weeks. For OISD, it has been a whirlwind of action and team planning to provide meals and engaging educational supports for our students while also ensuring their safety and that of our staff.  Our focus goals during this unprecedented time include:

  • student meals
  • employee compensation and benefits
  • student learning
  • social/emotional support for our students

Gratitude & Recognition for OISD Staff

OISD’s staff never cease to amaze and impress me with their demonstrated dedication to our students and student learning.  They are talented, creative, and flexible.  OISD staff had the opportunity to practice that flexibility when they jumped right in and began their instructional planning in anticipation of a school closure.  Thank you, OISD staff!

Continuous Learning Updates

“We need schools to educate all students out of principle, rather than educate no students out of fear. These are challenging times, but we expect schools to rise to the occasion. Nothing issued by this department should in any way prevent any school from offering educational programs through distance instruction.” –  (U.S. State Department of Education)

“Although schools are closed and not providing traditional in-person instruction, education must continue.  While most Washington school districts have already begun engaging students and families in learning, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction expects educational services for all students will begin by Monday, March 30.”  – (Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal)

Following this directive, OISD will observe the following guiding principles below to provide continuous learning opportunities as defined by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction:

Keep Students at the Center

Intentional outreach to continue building relationships and maintain connections. Help students feel safe and valued.

  • Plan for Student Learning: Build on each student’s strengths, interests, and needs and use this knowledge to positively impact learning.
  • Develop a Weekly Plan and Schedule: Offer routines and structures for consistency and to balance think time, work time, and play time for health and well-being.
  • Contact Families: Partner to support student learning through ongoing communication and collaboration. This will not look the same for every student and family—safety remains the priority.

Design Learning for Equity and Access

Plan and deliver content in multiple ways so all students can access learning.

  • Teach Content: Set goals using knowledge of each student and of Washington State K– 12 Learning Standards.
  • Deliver Flexible Instruction: Consider how to deliver content depending on tools and resources accessible to each student. Delivery of instruction may include printed learning materials, phone contact, email, technology-based virtual instruction, or a combination to meet diverse student needs.
  • Engage Families: Communicate with families about engagement strategies to support students as they access the learning. Families are critical partners. Provide translations as necessary.

Assess Student Learning

Manage and monitor student learning and plan what’s next for learning.

  • Check Student Learning: Use a variety of strategies to monitor, assess, and provide feedback to students about their learning.
  • Make Instructional Adjustments: Use formative assessment results to guide their reflection on effectiveness of instruction and to determine next steps for student learning.
  • Engage Families: Communicate with and seek input from families about assessment results in order to inform next steps. Provide translations as necessary.

What Instruction Looks Like for OISD Students in the Coming Weeks

You can expect to see more creative and authentic instruction facilitated by our staff in the weeks to come as students and families will be now be required to participate and engage in instructional offerings per recent guidelines set forth at the state and national level.

Student Social & Emotional

We at OISD continue to value the social and emotional well-being of our students just as we do academics.  The district’s social and emotional support team is comprised of counselors, social workers, and safe advocates as well as a partnership with Compass Health counselors and Wise Wrap Services, all of whom will be available to our students throughout this time.  Programs and activities are in place for all OISD students to participate in via Google Meet to promote social and emotional health. 

Grab & Go Meals – Now available for pickup at additional locations!

Orcas Island School District is providing ALL Orcas Island children with a free lunch and breakfast for the following day. Meals may be picked up Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the school pick-up/drop-off circle and at school bus stops. Weekend meals are included on Fridays for children in need of them.

You can help us with planning by completing our weekly preorder form using the link below, although it is not required to participate in the program.  Grab & Go Meal Preorder Form

If your family is not able to pick up meals at school or at a bus stop,  please contact OISD Food Services Director, Madden at msurbaugh@orcas.k12.wa.us.

OISD Staff 

During this time of economic uncertainty,  OISD has been working in close partnership with its employees and employee unions. A Memorandum of Understanding with both OISD Certificated and Classified Staff has been reached. The MOUs will create a basic understanding of procedures going forward and throughout the remainder of the year.

I am very pleased to add that all OISD employees will continue to receive full pay and benefits without disruption as they continue to work via closure status throughout the remainder of the school year, thus relieving any financial concerns they may have had and allowing them to continue to provide instruction to our students.

Take care of each other and be well.

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