— by Lin McNulty —


As of 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 16, with 15 ballots remaining to be counted, the Orcas Island $8M school district bond levy shows an approval rate of 59.73 percent. just .27 percent short of the required approval rate to pass. The next vote count is scheduled for Feb. 23.

Feb. 15 at 6 p.m.:  With an estimated 50 ballots remaining to be counted, the Orcas Island School District #137 Proposition currently shows an approval rate of 59.36 percent (1,249 in favor vs. 855 opposed). The levy requires a 60 percent approval rate to pass.

The Proposition to increase the number of Fire Commissioners currently shows an approval rate of 70.23 percent (1,406 in favor vs. 596 opposed).

The next ballot count is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 16, 2017.

Last updated on 02/15/2017 2:27 PM

Number of Precincts 6
Number of Registered Voters 4,261
Total Ballots Counted 2,109
Estimated Ballots Left to Count 50
Next Ballot Count On 02/16/2017 5:00 PM
Last Tabulated 02/15/2017 2:27 PM
Voter Turnout 49.5%
Certification Date 02/24/2017
Export Results CSV · XML | Precincts CSV
Orcas Island School Dist #137 Proposition No. 1 Bonds to Construct, Renovate and Improve School Facilities – $8,000,000
Measure Vote Vote %
1,249 59.36%
855 40.64%
Total Votes 2,104 100%
SJC Fire Protection District #2 Proposition No. 1 Increase in the Number of Commissioners
Measure Vote Vote %
1,406 70.23%
596 29.77%
Total Votes 2,002 100%