Thursday, October 26, 5 p.m., School Library

— from Orcas Island School District —

Orcas School Board will convene a regularly-scheduled meeting on Thursday, October 26, 5 p.m., in the School Library. Items on the agenda include:

1. Pledge of Allegiance
*2. Approve Agenda
*3. Approve Consent Agenda

4. Members of the community, parents, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make an announcement.

5. Booster Club
6. ASB
7. OEA
8. PSE

9. Business Report – Keith Whitaker
10. Pre K-6 Principal’s Report – Lorena Stankevich
11. OASIS K-12/Special Ed – Becky Bell
12. 7-12 Principal Report – Kyle Freeman
13. Superintendent Report – Eric Webb
14. Board’s Running Questions: WSSDA conference, December Special Meeting.

15. Members of the community, parents, students, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make statements or requests that are in the best interest of our schools, with each presentation limited to not more than three minutes.
16. Public comments and questions regarding OPAL’s proposed Land Trust applications.

*17. Approve Resolution 2017-10 committing the use of some of the funds from the Henigson endowment for track maintenance.
*18. Approve Resolution No. 2017-11 to contract directly with Premera Blue Cross for health insurance.
*19. Accept Booster Club donation of 40 deluxe sideline chairs valued at $3,599.00.
20. First Reading of proposed changes to Policy 6250 Cellular Phones.
*Denotes possible action