Tuesday, December 18, 5 p.m., Orcas School Library

— from Orcas Island School District —

Notice of a Special (Regular Monthly) School Board Meeting on Tuesday, December 18, 2018

5:00 pm CALL TO ORDER – SPECIAL (Monthly) Mtg.- School Library ADJOURN to a CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION- School Library
5:30 pm RECONVENE SPECIAL (Monthly) Mtg.- School Library
*1. Approve Agenda.
*2. Approve Consent Agenda

3. Members of the community, parents, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make an announcement.

4. ASB Report
5. OEA Report
6. PSE Report
7. Booster Club
8. Montessori Steering Committee Report

9. Project Manager – Liz LeRoy
10. Business Manager – Keith Whitaker
11. K-12 Math Curriculum Review – Kyle Freeman and Lorena Stankevich
12. Data and Program Review – Becky Bell and Special Education Dept.
13. Boards Running Questions: WSSDA Legislative Conference Feb 10-11.

14. Members of the community, parents, students, staff, administrators and visitors are invited to make statements or requests that are in the best interest of our schools, with each presentation limited to not more than three minutes.

*15. Elect School Board officers – Chair; Vice-Chair; Legislative Representative.

*16. Approve updated School Board Protocols. See attached.

*17. Accept and approve recommended bid, for next phase of 2017 School Bond and Capital Projects Levy work.

*18. Approve Elementary School Improvement Plan.

*19. Approve Surplus Resolution 2018-12 Surplussing 2007 School Bus #5, declared unfit for repair and service.

*20. Approve Surplus Resolution 2018-13 Surplussing district old and broken equipment, etc. See attached list..

*21. Accept OIEF grants/donations for the following:
$ 4,900.00 teacher collaboration for Elementary School math supports;
$ 1470.00 Chicken coop requested by Jennifer Pietsch;
$ 486. Virtual Reality goggles requested by Val Hellar.

22. First Reading recommended updates by WSSDA and OISD Policy Review Committee of the following:
0100 Planning – Commitment to Planning;
0300 Planning – Planning Process;
0500 NEW Planning-Components of District’s Plan;
0700 NEW Planning – Plan Evaluation;
1110 Election;
1822 Training & Development.

*23. Recommend deletions by WSSDA and OISD Policy Review Committee of the following policies:
0000 – Background
0200 – Planning – Management &Implementation;
0400 – Planning – Community Meetings;
1430 – Audience Participation


*Denotes possible action


THU JAN 24, 2019 @ 5:00 pm Regular School Board Mtg. – School Library

FEB 10th-11th 2019 WSSDA Legislative Conference – Olympia WA