— by Ayn Gailey —

With more teachers and community members in attendance than usual, this month’s School Board meeting opened up with the following:

Community Announcements
The Orcas Middle School will be hosting their 38th Annual Middle School Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, Apr. 7. There will be seatings at 5 and 6:30 p.m.

Janet Brownell announced that Orcas High students are putting on a performance of the Tempest at Orcas Center on Apr. 7 – 8, and Apr. 13 – 14. Proceeds will benefit the Orcas Island Education Foundation. Read more about this event and how it came to be in this Orcas Issues article: orcasissues.com/event/the-tempest-2/

Representatives from the OEA (Orcas Education Association) and the Public Schools Employees (PSE) association were present on behalf of their members regarding the approved salary increase for Superintendent Eric Webb. Both groups began their statements by voicing their sincere appreciation for Webb’s continuing efforts and dedication on behalf of our kids and school community.

However, both organizations felt compelled to convey that their groups question justifying a salary increase in the shadows of the bond failure and other financial needs at the schools. The groups also expressed frustration that they were unable to schedule a meeting with the school board to discuss the matter. Board member Chris Sutton did clarify that the school board was not opposed to meeting them; however, a misunderstanding led to the board not realizing the groups still wanted to meet after some initial facts were clarified.

OASIS Special Education Report
Oasis and Special Ed Director, Becky Bell, reported that the total enrollment for special education students has risen by several students to 77, stating that: “This is a much bigger number than usual and growth is attributed to newly enrolled students, and students qualifying for special education for the first time.”

Becky Bell and Eric Webb also reported on meeting with Lillian Hunter, Director of the Digital Learning Department for the Office of Superintendent for Public Instruction for the state. They were informed that in the upcoming school year, OASIS would no no longer be able to provide funds to families to be used on Community Based Instructors (CBIs). This appears to be a statewide move with alternative learning organizations, that may have arisen in part because of the misuse of funds in other regions. The superintendent was proud to report that OASIS had an excellent audit and the state decision in no way reflects our programs or how they are run. A letter informing parents of the change went out and Bell stated, “It looks like a lot of families will not re-enroll in OASIS if they do not receive support and access to Community Based Instructors.” Bell and the CBI Coordinator are still gathering information on the matter to see if there is a chance to change matters. The pubic contact information for Lillian Hunter is Lillian.Hunter@k12.wa.us.

Elementary School Report
Principal Lorena Stankevich was off island for the Washington State Educators Job Fair in Tacoma, however, she turned in a detailed report which included news that she and Glenda Smith, and Gayle Everly (from the NWESD) have begun work towards OIES becoming a school wide Title 1 school. She states: “I have created a school improvement team made up of Sandi Burt, Patty Sawyer, Anne Ford McGrath, Lisa Jenkins, Glenda Smith, Catherine Laflin, Casey Ahrens (parent), Maureen Moran (parent) and myself.” One of the first agenda items is for the group to assess results of a recent parent survey shared in the report. The parent survey was open for two weeks, and was completed by 44 respondents.

High School Report
Principal Kyle Freeman was also off-island representing the school district at the Washington State Educators Job Fair; however, he, too, turned in a principal’s report. A highlight of the report was the updated Course Guide for the 2017-2018 school year presented for the board’s review, which includes some new and exciting course offerings. According to Freeman, “This draft represents the current proposed courses for the 17-18 school year. Not all courses
described in the course guide will be offered in a school year, but this is the “menu” students
have to choose from during the pre-scheduling process. All final scheduling decisions will be
made based on staffing availability and student scheduling requests.”

Superintendent’s Report
Eric Webb provided his report, announcing, among other things, a very successful OASIS audit. His report also addressed the question on a lot of parents’ and teachers’ minds: “Are we really having school on a Saturday in June?” The answer according to Webb is: “Yes. We are having school on Saturday, Jun. 3, to keep students and staff from having to return on the week of Jun. 28. Saturday, Jun. 3, will be used as an enrichment day with a BBQ lunch and a 1 p.m. dismissal.”

Webb informed the board that he has met with Mitch Everton out of Anacortes about the development of a new Strategic Plan. Everton has a diverse background, which includes being on the Anacortes School Board. He has worked with many districts over the years to develop Strategic Plans. The board approved engaging Everton on the district’s behalf. The goal would be to have Everton organize eight meetings throughout two days in April to lead invested groups through the input process.

Webb also shared in his report that this month as a district, OISD submitted four grants to OICF for consideration in their grant process. Sandi Burt and other elementary staff members submitted a grant application for the continuation of the Elementary Social Worker position. Margie Sabine and other elementary staff members submitted a grant to help fund the Primary Intervention Program. Marny Gaylord and other elementary staff members submitted a grant for an additional 32 Chromebooks and cart. Liz Alperin submitted a grant for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine to allow students to duplicate DNA samples for analysis to preserve the original sample. Interviews will be conducted by the OICF Grant Committee in the near future.

“Phase III” Bond Project
Webb reminded the board that a School Bond Community Forum has been scheduled for Thursday, March 30, at 5:30 pm in the school cafeteria. It will provide community input on how we will proceed with a bond in November. Lisa Byers will facilitate the meeting, and childcare will be available for parents that RSVP.

Public Announcements
Retiring teacher, Pam Jenkins, who moved to the island in 1984, expressed her gratitude for her time teaching at OISD and graciously offered her appreciation to the school community.