Bond construction phasing, enrollment, and energy grant discussed in regular meeting (updated Dec. 22 at 10 a.m.)

 — by Margie Doyle —

The Orcas Island School District (OISD) Board decided on Thursday, Dec. 19, to engage the services of McPherson & Jacobsen in its search for a new district superintendent. The board hopes to meet with the firm’s representative Rich Parker on Dec. 30.

The board also formally accepted Scott Harris’ resignation as Head Football and Head Softball coach, effective Nov. 7, 2013 and July 9 2013 respectively. His replacement will be sought locally and state-wide.

Construction bidding for the school renovation bond project will be solicited in January, 2014, to be decided by the board in March, with a construction start date of March 31, 2014.

Construction is planned in four phases, with the first phase starting at the Nellie Milton elementary building; the second phase will focus on the 1980’s  middle school building where the cafeteria and music rooms are currently housed; The third phase, from Dec. 2014 to Sept. 2015 will construct Career Technology and Music rooms; and the four phase – June to Sept. 2015 — will overlap and deal with site work and the Commons area in front of the “old gym.”

Business Manager Keith Whitaker reported that, although the general fund balance has “regressed significantly” from the October “spike in tax collection,” in January the state apportionment allocation will reflect the 100-head increase in enrollment over projections. Grant collection will also normalize the budget, Whitaker said.

Enrollment is now over 800 and Whitaker reported that the monthly average for the first three months this year is the most stable enrollment for that period since 2008. Waldron Island School’s enrollment stands at 13.5 this year, and may decrease to five next year; however Superintendent Barbara Kline said that Waldron enrollment fluctuates annually, and has been as high as 30 in past years.

Kline said that the District will submit an energy grant for close to the $500,000 maximum amount in February. Teachers Robert Dash and Brett McFarland are involved in the solar component of the project as part of the energy upgrades.

The OISD Board elected Scott Lancaster President in 2014 with Janet Brownell as Vice-president. Tony Ghazel will continue to serve as the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) representative.