— from Brendan Cowan, Department of Emergency Management —

San Juan County Health and Community Services staff have been notified of a positive COVID-19 test result on San Juan Island. This brings the total number of cases in San Juan County to 4. The County data reporting page will be updated on Monday, once all of the test results and numbers from all local healthcare providers are available and updated.

County Health Officer Dr. Frank James highlights, “These four cases have all been with individuals who have done the right things and have been taking this situation to heart, before they were symptomatic and especially after. Avoiding social contact, minimizing exposure, and respecting the Governor’s order to limit non-essential travel are all critical tools in this fight. In order to prevent a surge of cases in the islands, we need to all behave like that surge is already here. That is what is needed in this moment.”

Information and links to critical information and ongoing updates at www.sjccovid.com

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