The San Juan County Council is conducting a comprehensive review and revision of the County’s Uniform Development Code (UDC), also known as Title 18. This update is intended to achieve a more user-friendly development code, streamline permit review processes, and promote consistent standards for development throughout the islands. Community members and frequent code users are encouraged to provide input on provisions of the UDC that should be revised.   

“Sections of the UDC have been amended over the years, but it’s time for a comprehensive update of that section to support the needs of our planners, residents, and businesses,” said Council Chair Jane Fuller. “It is the mechanism through which long-term planning projects are carried out, and it’s important that it be clear, concise, and up to date.”  

County Code and the Comprehensive Plan  

The San Juan County Code (https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/SanJuanCounty/) is the compilation of all ordinances and resolutions with the force of law effective as of December 31, 1990.  The UDC is the principal tool for implementing the goals and policies of the San Juan County Comprehensive Plan, as stated in the mandated provisions of state and local laws including:  

  • State of Washington’s Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A RCW) 
  • Shoreline Management Act (Chapter 90.58 RCW) 
  • Subdivisions Code (Chapter 58.17 RCW) 
  • State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW)

The UDC, also known as Title 18, includes Land Use Designations, Overlay District Regulations, the Shoreline Master Program, Development Standards, Land Divisions, and more.  

How to Submit Revisions 

Are you a frequent user of the County Code? Do you have ideas to make it better? Let us know!  

Please email examples of specific elements of the UDC, also known as Title 18, you would like to see updated, fixed, or clarified to: codeupdate@sanjuancounty.gov. Please be as specific as you can and include the code number and an explanation of the issue you are concerned about.  If you have suggestions for how to address your issue, those are welcome as well!   

Example: “I have had trouble with SJCC 18.xx.xxx because ….”  Or “I am confused by the requirements of 18.xx.xxx as they relate to 8.xx.xxx because they each refer to a different standard.”   

The County will be compiling code revision recommendation through September of 2024 and presenting those at a County Council meeting in October 2024. Feedback about the code will continue to be accepted at codeupdate@sanjuancounty.gov after October 1, 2024, but will not be included in the presentation to Council.