— from Kathy Youngren —

The featured artist for the July show at Orcas Center is B. Sadie Bailey. Sadie’s exciting folk art will fill the lobby but the Visual Arts Committee is soliciting art work for the “Community Art Show” in the Madrona Room. Art of all kinds is welcome, more folk art would be great!

Sadie had the following to say about her work;

“I love playing in many media, with subjects from serious to whimsical to abstract. I especially like recycling and re-purposing things that might otherwise end up in a landfill. I like not knowing where something is going; I like to be surprised and to follow my imagination where it wants me to go.”

“I enjoy the inclusivity and freedom of eclectic play that folk art offers and why calling myself a “folk artist” or “maker” encompasses what I do.”

Intake for art work for the July show is July 5, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.