Ready to spring forward?

Joan Roulac is offering an 8 Week T’ai Chi Class — with the first session free–  on Monday mornings from m 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. An Intermediate class will meets from 11:00 to Noon. The free community class is on Monday April 5th in the Orcas Senior Center’s Lundeen Room.

Roulac says, “Try on this slow moving practice like a new spring hat, and experience what all the medical doctors are raving about…yes, it can deliver in just one quick hour!”

“Harvard Medical School promotes T’ai Chi practice as ‘medication in motion,’ and the Mayo Clinic believes Seniors regularly practicing T’ai Chi can reduce their risk of falling by nearly 50%! (And I have the happy stories to prove it .)

“Most students feel the effects of practice very quickly, so it’s not necessary to accept results as a matter of faith.”

The series fee is $80. For questions, contact Joan Roulac at 376.6336