by Cara Russell

The building that houses the obsolete generator at Rosario's Moran Mansion. Photo: Cara Russell

The building that houses the obsolete generator at Rosario’s Moran Mansion. Photo: Cara Russell

The Rosario Mansion will be in the dark from November 10—15 for the purpose of going green and keeping in step with Robert Moran’s original vision. All of Rosario facilities (excluding the Marina) will be closed during the next six days, as the mansion’s original DC generator will be replaced with a new hydro generator.

It has been over 45 years since the historical building was last upgraded, and last January, when the Resort began construction to move the kitchen back to its original location, “It quickly became evident that what was needed was an upgrade to all of our electrical services in the historic Mansion,” said Resort Manager Christopher Peacock.

Last year, OPALCO temporarily moved the transformers out of the Orcas Room addition, for safety purposes, as well as to bypass the old underground lines that are beginning to fail. A new transformer was then placed near the entrance, with new underground lines going into the mansion.

The next phase of the project, taking place this week, will be to switch out the old lines at the panels for new ones. The old Moran DC generator will be replaced with a new hydro generator, which is being built by Canyon Hydro, out of Deming, WA.

The new generator, which will be placed in the same location as the old one, will supply power to the resort. “The actual amount generated will be based on the seasonal hydro rights that are in place from the State of Washington,’ said Peacock.

Rosario Resort owners, Jerry and Craig Barto, have been supportive of the hydro plant from the beginning. They are adamant to preserve Robert Moran’s vision for sustainability, as well as the building’s history. “The preservation of what Robert Moran created at Rosario has been the guiding principal and is the foundation for the future redevelopment of the resort,” said Peacock.

Rosario Resort has made plans to begin the new generator installation at the beginning of January 2014. As for the old generator? The Resort intends to set up a display at the mansion, so the public can view Moran’s original hydro generator and all of its dials and gauges.