— from Rick Hughes, San Juan County Councilmember —

It has been an honor to serve on the San Juan County Council from District #2, Orcas/Waldron Islands and I thank you for your ongoing support. My continuing pledge to the community is to operate a fair, honest and transparent government, to provide balanced leadership, to develop better communications and interaction between County employees and the public, and to have County government serve as an aid to the public.
We need to work together toward a stronger community — even when we disagree. We need to settle arguments with civility, to work despite our frustration and persevere in our amazing spirit of community.
Over the next four years I will be a climate warrior with a goal of installing 750 KW+ of solar panels on County buildings. The first installation of 156KW panels will begin this spring on the County Fairgrounds building that will cover all the power for the fair and all county parks. I will continue to improve the long-term prospect of living wage jobs, including county support for expanded training in trade based skills, continue to build a complete county-wide trail network and to provide affordable rental housing options.
I will assure reliable and responsive care for our seniors and evaluate and promote reasonable and affordable local transportation options. I will expand local, sustainable agriculture, with a goal of 10% of all food consumed grown in the county. I will develop only clear, concise and appropriate regulations and lead the completion of the comprehensive plan. I will continue to listen and learn, to be fair and honest, and to act in the best interests of San Juan County.
I will focus on:
- Community – solving difficult problems in a civilized and balanced fashion
- Sustainability – maintaining our fragile environment, helping our island residences become more self-sufficient and promoting the long-term growth of agricultural business
- Infrastructure – sustaining long term, reliable ferry service and multi-model connection points
- Financial Responsibility – operating a balanced budget, funding a reliable reserve, continuing to reduce county debt, limiting taxation and controlling overall spending
- Economic Development – Responsibly embracing our tourist economy, providing locals and visitors alike with the best facilities, exploring new sources of income for our islands, supporting local business and continuing to invest in our community to create better opportunities for sustained employment
It would be naïve to think this will be an easy job or to think that everyone will agree with my views, but I promise to listen, learn, be fair, honest and to act in the best interest of Orcas Island and San Juan County.
I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving our wonderful community.
“The secret to the long-term success of the San Juan Islands lies in all of us…and the preservation of small-town community values. The future will be bright for our wonderful island home if we all reach inside deep and work together to move community forward. I ask for your vote so that I may continue to serve you on the San Juan County Council.”
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