— from the office of U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen —

[On Thursday, June 25], Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, voted for and the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill reauthorizing a program to help workers whose jobs have been negatively affected by trade, called Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA). The bill (Senate Amendment to H.R. 1295) also renews programs to facilitate trade and economic growth in developing countries, such as the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). AGOA gives African countries strong access to U.S. markets and supports these countries in building their economies.

Larsen previously voted in favor of TAA, though that bill did not pass the House. The program is part of a larger package of trade bills, including Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). Larsen voted in favor of TPA, which has now passed the House and Senate and awaits the President’s signature.

“I have long supported TAA as a way to help workers whose jobs have been hurt by an increasingly globalized economy. I am pleased the House voted today to renew this program to help workers get the training they need to get back into the job market quickly.

“In recent years, TAA has helped nearly 2,900 workers in the Second Congressional District and more than 17,500 workers in Washington state with job training and income support. The TAA measure the House passed renews the program for six years, the longest extension since 1986, with $450 million of funding each year. It also expands who is eligible for the program’s benefits. TAA is an important part of our country’s approach to trade.

“Trade matters for a healthy economy in the Pacific Northwest. Opening up new markets for our businesses to sell their goods and services is a key way to help them grow and create jobs here at home. The 2015 TPA bill gives the President the authority he needs to finalize trade agreements based on strong direction from Congress.

“The President now has a package of trade bills that will help level the playing field for our workers while upholding labor and environmental protections we have worked so hard in this country to achieve. I look forward to his signature on TPA, TAA, and the other measures that will better position our country to compete in the global economy,” Larsen said.