Strength and finesse equally called for in equestrian showmanship. Photos courtesy of Lorena Stankevich

Strength and finesse equally called for in equestrian showmanship. Photos courtesy of Lorena Stankevich

Summer Horse Show, sponsored by 4-H Orcas Island Trailblazers

The summer horse show is happening June 27-29. June 27 is dressage and equitation over fences, June 28 is performance English and Western, June 29 is gaming.

The show is free for observers! The location is the San Juan County Fair Grounds. Equestrians interested in riding can get registration materials at: 4-H/documents/YouthHorseShow2014

Lorena Stankevich can also be contacted for more information at 376-7048. Equestrians need to register prior to June 13 to save money. The cost of a class is $9 if registered prior to June 13th and $13 if registering after that date.

For more information about the San Juan County/WSU 4-H Horse Contest, go to: