— by Minor Lile, Orcas Issues reporter –

A series of online meetings are continuing throughout the week as the community involvement phase of the Orcas Economic Recovery and Resiliency Project gathers momentum.

The overall aim of the project is to develop an action plan for economic recovery and community resilience that is both attainable and rooted in a shared vision of the island’s future.

Everyone who feels a connection to Orcas Island and has an interest in its future well-being is welcome to participate. To date, nearly 90 people have signed up to attend a meeting.

There are two ways to register. One is to visit the project website. On the website, scroll down to the ‘Get Involved” section and click on the “Join a meeting” tab and select the meeting you would like to register for from the list. Registration can also be arranged by contacting Megan Neal (megan@oicf.us, 360-376-6423).

More information on the Recovery and Resiliency Project is available here.