On Saturday, April 30, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will be holding its second National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. At multiple locations across the country DEA-sponsored events will be held.

On Orcas Island, however, Rick and Marlace Hughes of Ray’s Pharmacy have expanded the local take-back mission for everyday that the pharmacy in Templin Square is open.

At these events one can take any expired, unused, unwanted prescription drugs, no questions asked, forms to fill out, etc. Because the  voluntary take back program cannot accept controlled substances (which some prescription drugs are), the Hughes ask that people take their “controlled substance” prescriptions to the Sheriff’s Sub-station on Mt. Baker Road at anytime 24/7.

Consumers can tell if the drugs are controlled substances by looking at the first number of the prescription: if it starts with a 2 or a 4 then it is a controlled substance; if it starts with a 6, (such as some antibiotic and hormone replacement prescriptions) then it can be turned in at Ray’s during normal business hours.

The issue addressed by these take back days is the problem of such drugs accumulating in people’s homes or health care facilities and they are subject to being misused, accidentally by children, intentionally by others. Harm to people results, emergency rooms visits multiply, deaths occur.

For more information about national prescription drug medicine take back programs, facts sheets and other information, go to this website: www.takebackyourmeds.org