— from Dave Pringle, State Senate Democrats —

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, released this statement today after Gov. Inslee said he would call the Legislature back for a special session beginning on Monday, Apr. 24.

“The Legislature has not come to a compromise on the operating budget, leaving schools, our most vulnerable, local communities and thousands of state workers in doubt for critical state funds. We need to work together to find a solution for education funding and the entire state operating budget.

“Unfortunately, the Senate Republican leaders have literally refused to negotiate. Worse, they seem to have no interest to meet us at the table to finish on time.

“In the end, Republicans do not have support from Democrats for their $5.5 billion property tax increase, and Democrats do not have support from Republicans for our proposal. Now is the time to seriously get to work and begin thoughtful negotiations on a compromise budget.

“We need leadership, not politicking. We need to finish what the people sent us here to do, negotiate in good faith and pass a final, go-home budget that will fully fund our children’s future and the most vulnerable in our communities.”