— from Dave Pringle, Senate Democratic Communications —

The Washington State Senate holds a Pro Forma Session, Jan. 27, 2017.

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, issued the following statement today responding to the Senate Republican’s 2017 operating budget proposal:

“Our values compel us to prioritize the critical funding for our state, a fully funded education for every child, to provide services for children, the impoverished, and disabled, to manage emergencies and maintain public safety, to protect our environment, and support economic opportunity for all Washingtonians. While I appreciate the Republican investment in mental health services and K12 education, there are many areas where we do not agree.

“The Republicans have released a budget proposal which does not meet the values and priorities of our state. Their budget impacts our poorest children, struggling families, and the elderly, and dramatically reduces funds for blind and deaf children.

“Republicans recognize the need for revenue to pay for an historic enhancement of our children’s school system. Unfortunately, the Republican plan has major winners and losers across our state to raise $5.6 billion over four years. Some counties will see a major increase and others will not perpetuating our unfair tax system with many seeing property tax increases over 30 percent.

“Alarmingly, the budget cuts funds from programs for needy children and families struggling to succeed in a state with a widening income gap. Reductions and repeal of human services will push struggling families further into poverty and increasing the burden on our struggling communities.

“Public servants lose retirement funds, hard-earned income and savings from people who maintain public safety, care for our elderly and sick and provide the critical services in our communities.

“I look forward to working with my Republican colleagues to negotiate for the final budget, I will fight for the values of our state and address these urgent, critical needs.”