— from Dave Pringle, Senate Democratic Communications —

Sen. Kevin Ranker with his two dads on their wedding day, June 26, 2015.

“The Washington State Supreme Court ruled for equality today. I am proud that our state stands up for all people, to ensure that all Washingtonians can shop where they want and marry who they love without persecution. This court ruling reflects our core values of equality and love for all.

“Washington continues to lead the nation in supporting the rights of all people. We will continue to fight for basic civil rights for people in our communities and be a leader for our country.”

[from King5News:

The Washington state Supreme Court has ruled that a florist who refused to provide services for a same-sex wedding broke anti-discrimination laws.

The nine justices posted their unanimous ruling on Thursday. Barronelle Stutzman, a florist in Richland, Washington, had been fined by a lower court for denying service to a gay couple in 2013.

Stutzman had previously sold the couple flowers and knew they were gay but told them she couldn’t provide flowers for their wedding because same-sex marriage was incompatible with her Christian beliefs.

Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson and the couple sued her, saying she broke state anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws, and the lower court agreed.]