— from Rick Manugian —

Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Orcas Island, issued this statement on the agreement that will keep the Intalco Works aluminum smelter open in Ferndale, preserving more than 400 family wage jobs that would have been lost if Alcoa had curtailed their operation.

“I’m very happy to have helped lead the effort at the state level that, combined with the work from U.S. Sen. Murray’s office, were able to keep Alcoa’s Intalco Works plant open.

“During the session, we invested $3 million into training for the workers. Now, combined with new power agreements in place, it is my hope we can keep these men and women employed in good, family wage manufacturing jobs in Washington.

“Keeping these jobs in Whatcom County was a priority for me as soon as I heard Alcoa might be shutting its Italco plant down. These state and federal efforts should keep Washingtonians in these jobs for years to come.”