from Kevin Ranker

On May 23, 2013 the National Journal published an article titled, ‘The Obscure County Election that Could Change the Planet. A little watched race in Washington state will determine how America uses its coal – and the future of the Global Climate.’

In it, they wrote:

“But, ultimately, it’s not up to the coal industry, green groups, or SSA Marine, the Seattle company that hopes to build the terminal, to decide what happens. That’s where the Whatcom County Council comes in. Over the next two years, the seven-member board will play an outsized role in Gateway’s fate, voting on two crucial siting permits which, if approved, will pave the way for the terminal’s construction.”

While the decision regarding whether or not to site the largest coal export facility in North America will dramatically impact San Juan County, our County Council, and for the most part, your state legislature, has little to no authority in this most critical decision. Who does? The Whatcom County Council.

Join me in making a donation today to help elect good people to the Whatcom County Council. Strong candidates who ask the difficult questions that are yet unanswered regarding potential impacts to our health, environment, economy and quality of life. Whatcom County Council members who will make thoughtful decisions, based on the record and on science, about North America’s largest coal terminal. Join me in making sure our islands’ future is protected.

Your donation will make a difference in the outcome of these races. While candidates for county council cannot express an opinion about the coal terminal, Whatcom Wins is supporting the 4 candidates endorsed by the Sierra Club and Washington Conservation Voters. Four candidates who clearly represent the values of not only Whatcom County, but San Juan County when it comes to making sure no question goes unanswered when reviewing this massive proposal. While we may not have the deep pockets of the coal interests, with your support, we can ensure the election of decision makers in our neighboring county who will stand up for our entire region.

Join me! Click here and donate to Whatcom Wins. This is a coordinated campaign of the Whatcom Democrats and your donation goes directly to electing these four important candidates who will so dramatically decide the future of our islands.

Senator Kevin Ranker