— from Dave Pringle, Senate Democratic Communications —

Sen. Ranker and constituents testify on SB 5760 in Senate Commerce, Labor & Sports Committee. Feb.16, 2017

The Senate Commerce, Labor & Sports Committee held a hearing on Sen. Kevin Ranker’s Senate Bill 5760 to ensure employers cannot discriminate against women seeking full health care and access to contraception in response to the U.S. Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision.

“Two weeks ago, the president nominated to the Supreme Court the very same judge who authored the Court of Appeals Hobby Lobby decision allowing privately-held employers to discriminate against women by restricting their access to contraception.

“This decision, along with confusion and uncertainty around the future of healthcare in Washington, D.C. is a major concern. I introduced legislation in the state Senate in direct response, safeguarding the right of Washington women to receive essential health coverage they deserve in response to the U.S. Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision.

“Barrier-free access to birth control remains a fundamental right, and discrimination against women is contrary to our state’s values.

“These kinds of attacks on our fundamental values are unacceptable, and we will oppose these attacks and strengthen our commitments at every opportunity.

“We can and must ensure that, no matter what destructive choices are made at the federal level, Washington women, regardless of who they work for, have equal rights and individual choice for their reproductive health decisions.”