Progress Update: Crews have made significant progress bedding, cutting, and placing brick pavers throughout the project. Early next week crews are scheduled to bind these pavers together with a high strength grout. Mid-week, we expect to be able to open up some driveways to vehicle access once this grout hardens. By the end of next week, this work is also expected to open up safe and accessible pedestrian crossing locations along Prune Alley. Until the pavers are grouted, they are loose set and it is important to keep them protected.

Big Picture: Similar to this week’s activities, next week work will continue with sidewalks and pavers. Substantial completion remains scheduled for early September (substantial completion means the project is largely open and accessible to the public).

Traffic Update: The northerly intersection at School Rd has been closed again while work resumes on the concrete bands that are necessary for brick paver installation. The road grade at this intersection has been prepared for concrete formwork to be placed Monday morning. Again, while the freshly paved roadway may look inviting and many are eager to access the site, please remember to continue to respect areas that are closed to the public. Many holes, stakes, and hazards continue to exist throughout the work zone.


Local Businesses: You are encouraged to place mobile wayfinding sings along pedestrian access routes to help direct traffic around work zones. You may also want to consider how the completed project will change your exposure facing Prune Alley (and other side streets). Please reach out if you have any questions about elevation changes or other transitional frontage improvements.

Please help keep our residents and visitors safe and injury free by adhering to and protecting all approved traffic control devices.