— from Tony Simpson, Airport Manager —

As the attached agenda reveals sad news, I feel it appropriate to address it first:

It is with a tremendously heavy heart that I write of the passing of Commissioner William S. (Steve) Hopkins.  I’m sorry to do so by email, but the topic is addressed in the agenda for a special meeting Monday that is being posted now and attached.

Steve was a daily presence at the airport and served as a commissioner for over 22 years.  I will miss him dearly as a friend and mentor.

Orcas Airport is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Rules of Participation:
You will automatically be muted upon arrival. If you are not a commissioner we ask that you remain muted until you are called on at which time the chair will unmute you. Please do not use the chat bar as a way of communicating with commissioners, particularly outside of public comment time. Feel free to sidebar with other participants, privately. Commissioners are also encouraged to mute our audio when not speaking. If you need to be up and moving, please turn off your video so as not to distract others. Thank you.

Preliminary Agenda for 5/4/2020 @ 5pm

  • 5pm Call to Order
  • Acknowledge the Loss of and Gratitude for Steve Hopkins
  • Elect a new Secretary
  • Adjustments/ Additions to Agenda (Time Allowing)
  • 5:10 Public Access
  • 5:20 Executive Session (To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee) ends 5:50
  • 5:51 Any item(s) requiring action after ES
  • Add to the minutes that there were no objections from the FAA regarding our action to make the old restroom available for Covid 19 purposes per our vote on April 20th.
  • Address any Standing Rules or Bylaws we feel lack a shared interpretation and arrive at one.
  • Update on Aeronautical Lease and Proposed new site
  • Update on Reference Checks for applicants
  • Set a Date for Interviews with Airport Manager Applicants
  • Open call for interested parties for appointment to finish Steve’s term.
  • Move on Clerk Position and act.
  • Drive-In Proposal discussion
  • Adjourn. Next Regular Meeting : May 14th at 5pm