— from Dwight Guss, Airport Manager —

After talking with DOWL, the Port of Orcas Commissioners have made the decision to reschedule the meeting arranged for November 13 to a future date in January.

This special Port meeting was scheduled to give the Airport Master Plan Team an opportunity to present to the Port Commissioners an update on the status of the project and to communicate the next steps necessary to complete and publish a draft report. In addition, there was going to be a question and answer session for the attending public. This meeting, along with the three public outreach meetings that took place in January, June, and September of 2018, are in the scope of work originally proposed by DOWL.

The current board of Commissioners is rescheduling the special Port meeting because of the upcoming elections and possible change of four seats on the Board. After the newly elected commissioners are sworn in at the regularly scheduled port meeting on January 9, 2020, it will then be up to the new Board of Commissioners to reschedule the Master Plan meeting.

Please ensure you stay informed of the Master Plan progress by signing up for project emails at orcasmasterplan@dowl.com. DOWL will provide a project update via this list in the near future.

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