Well, folks, you didn’t seem too keen to relate to a Shakespeare character, so tonight we’re adding a new poll, our third.

You may be interested to know that we had 148 votes on our poll test, with 116 of our readers (78 percent) saying they lived on Orcas Island while 32 (22 percent) said they did not live on Orcas Island.

And Hamlet was the Shakespearian character you most related to (29 percent at press time). Next came Julius Caesar and Juliet (at 21 percent each). Thirteen percent of our readers relate to Romeo, and Lady Macbeth and Othello tied for last at 8 percent each.)

But we’re not ready to give up on Shakespeare yet! This week we’re asking which of the following plays did you study in elementary or secondary school?

  • Julius Caesar
  • Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • Macbeth
  • Hamlet
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Merchant of Venice

NOTE: Poll Archives are always available HERE.