A weekly poetry class facilitated by JoEllen Moldoff will take place at the Orcas Library from October 5th to November 30th.

The class, “Poetry Through The Looking-Glass,” will be on Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. The cost for the class is $15 for library registration, copying costs and donation to the Library.

Moldoff says, “Poetry is for everyone. William Carlos Williams wrote, ‘It is difficult to get the news from poems, but men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there.’

“In this class we will explore the vast landscape of contemporary poetry, sharing our perspectives as readers and writers. The focus will be on experiencing the poems, as well as understanding how they work. Writing prompts/assignments will be offered for those wishing to write. All are welcome to join in the conversation.”

Registration begins after Labor Day at the Library.
What is a Poem?
By Ruth Stone

Such slight changes in air pressure,
tongue and palate,
and the differences in teeth.
Transparent words.
Why do I want to say ochre,
or what is green-yellow?
The sisters of those leaves on the ground
still lisp on the branches.
Why do I want to imitate them?

Having come this far
with a handful of alphabet,
I am forced,
with these few blocks,
to invent the universe.