||| FROM SALON |||

When the Center for Climate Integrity released its report about plastic recycling, one might have expected the environmentalist non-profit to encourage the practice. Anyone raised in the late-20th and early-21st century knows that the term “recycle” is often synonymous with “environmentalist causes.”

Yet the title of Center for Climate Integrity’s report — “The Fraud of Plastic Recycling” — reveals a very different point-of-view. What if plastic recycling in fact does little to help the environment, and instead serves the interests of the same Big Oil interest groups destroying Earth’s ecosystems?

“Through new and existing research, ‘The Fraud of Plastic Recycling’ shows how Big Oil and the plastics industry have deceptively promoted recycling as a solution to plastic waste management for more than 50 years, despite their long-standing knowledge that plastic recycling is not technically or economically viable at scale,” the authors of the report proclaim. “Now it’s time for accountability.”

The Center for Climate Integrity is not alone in characterizing plastic recycling as a false crusade. Erica Cirino, communications manager at the Plastic Pollution Coalition and author of “Thicker Than Water: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis,” pointed to data that clearly shows we do very little recycling anyway, despite the overwhelming emphasis on it.

“In 2017, scientists estimated that just 9% of the 6.3 billion metric tons of plastics produced from about the 1950s (when plastics were first mass produced) up to 2015 had been recycled,” Cirino told Salon. “Plastic recycling rates vary widely from region to region around the world. In the U.S., plastic recycling rates are currently below 6 percent.”


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