Thursday at 7 p.m. in 144 Rosehip Road (Wild Rose Meadow)

By Sharon Abreu

The Shift Network is celebrating Conception Day on March 22, 2012, and we are hosting a gathering in honor of the event. As a vital part of this co-creative experience, please join us!

The party will start at 7 p.m. at 144 Rosehip Road in Wild Rose Meadow, off Mt. Baker Road and across from the Orcas Medical Center. (There is guest parking in Wild Rose Meadow; however carpooling to this private residence is encouraged).

It will be the kick-off to 9-months of positive change through powerful programs focused on finding innovative solutions to issues ranging from sustainability to peace, the economy, energy – all aspects of human life – ultimately leading to a  Birth 2012 vision… 100 million people declaring, globally, a planetary celebration on December 22, 2012 of the birth of our new collaborative human story !

Recently, over several months, Morgan Meadows and I participated in an online class called “Agents of Conscious Evolution” (aka “ACE”) with Barbara Marx Hubbard, organized through The Shift Network. Hundreds of people, from 56 countries, participated in the class – all people who see the need for a transformation of the human mind and spirit at this time in history.

The plan is to use the date of Dec. 22, 2012 as a focal point for our energy in a great experiment – to see if we can pool our energy, ideas and intentions to create a real shift to a more healthy, sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous world, using that date as a threshold for transformation, or conscious evolution.

So we’re viewing Dec. 22 as the date we’re giving birth to a new more universal-thinking humanity. Thus, on March 22, which is 9 months before Dec. 22, we’re celebrating “Conception Day”!

If this appeals to you, come to our local Conception Day party! At the party, we’ll share our visions for the future, sing together, watch part of the Conception Day broadcast live from Los Angeles, munch and be merry!

For further information, call  376-5773 or  376-9213.

Visit for more information and inspiration regarding this global shift and ways you can be involved!