Tuesday, July 10, starting 8:45 a.m. at San Juan Island Grange

From the San Juan County Planning Department
Updated July 6 at 9 a.m.

The San Juan County Planning Commission will continue their hearing for deliberations only on an ordinance amending the critical area regulations for Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas(FWHCAs). These amendments are proposed to fulfill the periodic update requirements of RCW 36.70A.130. The deliberations will begin at or after 8:45 a.m., Tuesday, July 10, at San Juan Island Grange, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. For the agenda, go to sanjuanco.com/CDP/docs/PlanningCommAgendas/2012-7-10_rev_agn.pdf

The proposed ordinance:

  • revises the list of maps used to identify FWHCAs;
  • modifies definitions of terms;
  • adds a section on applicability;
  • identifies types of FWHCAs;
  • adopts provisions associated with the use of maps;
  • revises the classification system to meet current state requirements;
  • establishes protection standards including standards for aquatic FWHCAs including streams, lakes over 20 acres in size and marine shorelines, as well as upland habitats and specific species;
  • revises the process for nominating species of local concern.

Copies of the ordinance and associated documents are available from the San Juan County Community Development & Planning Department at sanjuanco.com/cao/documents.

Thanks to Brian Ehrmantraut for meeting location and agenda information.