“We all need to learn more about how to set things up to succeed in our charitable intentions,” says Hilary Canty, Executive Director of the Orcas Island Community Foundation.

Orcas Island individuals, organizations and donors will have the opportunity to gain familiarity with the process and terminlogy for planned giving on Wednesday, July 1.

On that date, Certified Financial Planner Joe Cohen will again give a workshop on planned giving and its significant benefits for both donors and philanthropic causes.

As he did at the June 17 presentation, Cohen will give an outline of estate planning and illustrate the ideas with a 150-slide presentation. Cohen will describe the tools and research that will help non-profits, families and donors continue their research and plans for their estate.

Canty says, “Whether you’re a novice or an expert at financial planning, the session is great for boards and staffs and is also a good opportunity for potential donors.

“It doesn’t matter how large a person’s estate is,” Canty says. “When we go, we all have something to leave. It’s an opportunity to help. The workshop will give people the ability to follow up on their intentions.”

Cohen, an Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) board member, is an independent financial advisor, and is offering the class as a way of serving the community.

The first class was held on Wednesday, June 17 to an audience of about 25 people. The July 1 class will be between 5 and 6:30 p.m. in the Outlook Inn’s Victorian Room.

There is no charge to attend the meeting. All are welcome.  Contact OICF at 376-OICF or hilary@oicf.us.

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