Wednesday, August 24, 10 a.m. –  4 p.m., Orcasong Farm

— from Gretchen Krampf —

CaptureWe invite you to join us at Orcasong Farm, 280 Dolphin Bay Road, for a day of community and permaculture learning-in-action. Our first Salish Sea Permaculture Action Day brings musician/sisters Leah and Chloe of Rising Appalachia, members of their band, and other local musicians to work and play with participants on projects that will improve community spaces at Orcasong. Ryan Rising, of The Permaculture Action Network, will be facilitating the day, along with folks from NewStories’ Thrive San Juan Islands, Orcasong Institute, The Compassion Games, Lopez Community Land Trust, Thriving Communities and others.

It’s a free event, on Wednesday, August 24, 10 a.m. –  4 p.m. Participants are asked to bring gloves, water bottles, and something to add to our potluck lunch. Local markets and merchants are supporting us with donations and discounts. Overnight camping spaces are available.

Permaculture is the practice of living in a balanced way on the earth; of designing relationships of mutual support between people and the ecosystems we inhabit. Through design based on the principles nature teaches us, we can meet humans’ basic needs of healthy food, clean water, shelter, energy, and community in a way that not only “sustains” but actively regenerates biodiversity and natural resources.

The Permaculture Action Network birthed from The Polish Ambassador’s Fall of 2014 “Pushing Through the Pavement” Tour. The network of organizers, designers, and practitioners put on Permaculture Action Days that welcome the festival, music, and art communities to engage in direct action to create a world based on the principles of natural ecological systems. The Permaculture Action Network also organizes spaces within events and stand-alone educational courses focused on regenerative ecological design and social change.

More details on our Facebook Page.