From the 40th legislative district delegation:

Sen. Kevin Ranker and Reps. Jeff Morris and Kristine Lytton issued the statement below following Gov. Jay Inslee’s signing of the capital budget (Senate Bill 5035) Monday afternoon:

“With all the controversy surrounding the much-delayed state operating budget, the passage of another important budget — the capital, or construction, budget — has flown under the radar during the past few weeks. That’s understandable, but the capital budget is a big win for our 40th district and for the entire northwest Washington region.

“This capital budget will pump tens of millions of dollars and many family-wage jobs into our local economy, thanks to projects that include habitat restoration in Bellingham Bay, renovation of the San Juan Island School District’s STEM building, major preservation upgrades at Western Washington University, renewal work at the Bellingham Center for Performing Arts, Mount Vernon flood protection improvements, construction at Skagit Valley Community College, much-needed work at Baker View Family Housing and South Whatcom Library at Sudden Valley, and the next phase of the Guemes Trail project from the ferry all the way out to Highway 20.

“Not only will these projects contribute to the already outstanding quality of life in our area, they also create good jobs for construction workers who have seen their sector of the economy — and their families — suffer during the Great Recession. The capital budget is a welcome example of good bipartisan work for the betterment of our state, and the three of us were proud to work together to bring these projects to our district.”

(Editor’s note: To contact Ranker, Lytton and Morris, click on “Contact Your Legislators” on the Orcas Issues’ sidebar (way down at the bottom) and send them an email! or call)