— from Kimberley Kimple, Orcas Issues reporter —

It was standing room only for the Orcas Island All Schools Spelling Bee on February 5th in the OCS Gym as students from Orcas Island School District and Orcas Island Christian School battled it out for first place.

A total of 27 participants, grades 4 – 8t advanced into the competition as finalists from class spelling bees for a chance at securing the local All Schools winning title. One by one, the ring of a bell indicated a misspelled word and the eliminated student took their seat.

The panel of contestants grew smaller and after 14 rounds of breath-holding suspense, 8th grade OCS student Nicholas Rivera beat out all class champions- earning himself a guaranteed spot in the 2019 Skagit Regional Spelling Bee at Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon.

Also joining Nicholas will be the top contestant from each school- Hazel McKenzie for Orcas Island Elementary, Milana Schneider for Orcas Island Middle School, and Elijah Griffith for Orcas Island Christian (Elementary) School. Winners of the Regional Bee will have the opportunity to compete nationally at the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C. later this spring.