Robert and Nancy

Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo and Nancy Wang, storytellers extraordinaire of Eth-Noh-Tec

By Margie Doyle

Nancy Wang and Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo, storytellers and performing artists who make their homes on Orcas Island and in San Francisco, have again produced a multi-event Storyfest involving storytellers Anji Ringzin and Antoinette Botsford from Orcas Island, local musicians in the Bhajan music group, and a host of internationally acclaimed storytellers.

Nancy and Robert founded Eth-Noh-Tec, an award-winning, Asian American performing arts non-profit in 1981.  They present ancient Asian folktales and contemporary Asian American stories that inspire and reveal our universal truths. Eth-Noh-Tec has created an exciting new blend of storytelling and kinetic theater – a mixed alchemy of music, theater, dance and the spoken word to challenge the borders between theater, movement, mime and storytelling.

The art of telling stories is misunderstood, say Robert and Nancy. It’s not just for kids, and it’s not always comic. “Storytelling is a very powerful art form; it’s not singular, like reading, or a movie, but it’s very interconnected, and in the present.

“And as well as being an art form, storytelling is a powerful tool for social change.”

Nancy’s motivation for Orcas Storyfest comes from her love of sharing with friends; Robert’s comes from the powerful connections made through storytelling. Nancy says, “If we love something or think it’s important, we want to share; and Robert’s all about gathering people in connections, in a world that not very connected.”
Their love of the storytelling life blends totally with their love for their friends and for Orcas.

Early on their first visit to Orcas, as they were enjoying “a beautiful drift in the lake,” they thought, ‘Why not bring the beautiful power of storytelling, with our beautiful friends who would love to visit Orcas so much — invite them to visit us, and since they’re here, why not perform, for our beautiful neighbors in Orcas?’

“And everyone is so generous, in terms of hosting, lodging, activities, from lavender wands to horseback rides.”

Six public programs sponsored by Friends of the Orcas Island Library will be as follows:

• Monday, July 29, 6:00 p.m.: “Pajama Tales,” library, wear your “jammies.” (free)
• Tuesday, July 30, 1:30 p.m.: “Wisdom, Wit, and Wily Ways,” Senior Center, (free)
• Tuesday, July 30, 7:30 p.m.: “Ghost Stories,” Funhouse (donation)
• Wednesday, July 31, 7:30 p.m.: “Sacred Stories, Sounds of Spirit,” Emmanuel Episcopal Hall (free)
• Thursday, Aug. 1, 7:30 p.m.: “World of Stories” Odd Fellows Hall (sliding Scale Donation)
• Friday, Aug. 2, 7:30 p.m.: “Why Stories? Why Sing?” Senior Center (donation)

This Orcas Storyfest brings three new elements to the bi-annual tradition:

1) “Sacred Stories, Sound of Spirit”

‘Sacred’ is a broad concept that encompasses ethics, spirituality, enlightenment and right living,” says Robert. “Now in the world we need shared stories.”

“Through telling stories from different faith traditions, we can see the universal in the unique; all illustrating there are many paths to the mountaintop, says Robert. “These stories will guide the listener home to a place of compassion, spiritual awareness and draw from the sages and saints from various religious traditions as well as enlightenment found in daily mindfulness.

“Special musical guests will be the harmonic encantations of “The Bhajans.” They are local. They are vocal.  Sometimes electric, definitely spiritually eclectic!”

“Sacred Stories, Sounnd of Spirit” will be at Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall on July 31 at 7:30 p.m.

2) The second storytelling program of note is “Why Stories? Why Sing?” This program will be a forum on the power of storytelling, community building and .. a sing-along!  Each of the tellers will share various storytelling projects they are doing in their neighborhoods and abroad to improve well-being in communities.

The forum will take place at Orcas Senior Center on Aug. 2 at 7:30 p.m.

3) Another innovation to the event is the musical guests that will embellish the festival.  As well as the Bhajans at the evening of “Sacred Stories.”  Also at the Senior Center’s “Wisdom” afternoon concert will open with the oldies but but goldies repertoire of the Senior Center Songbirds.  The final evening show, “World of Stories” will take musical flight with the doo-woppin’, guitar strumming, foot-tappin’ four part harmonies of the Parking Angels.

Featured tellers this year include: Judith Black (Massachusetts), Heather Forest (New York), Kirk Waller and Ruth Halpern (California) and Doug Banner (Washington), Orcas Island’s own Anji Ringzin and Antoinette Botsford, and of course part-timers Nancy Wang and Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo of Eth-Noh-Tec.

“Traditional, oral, live storytelling has in fact experienced a rebirth through its thousands of annual festivals, conferences, guilds, networks, and organizations found throughout the world. The world is truly a world of storytelling, preserving traditions, honoring ancestors and history, informing and inspired listeners, but most importantly, igniting peoples’ imaginations,” says Robert.

Nancy adds, “We are very excited to share our colleagues and friends with the island. Whether through a wisdom tale, a journey tale, even a silly or ghost tale, there is always a lesson to learn. Yes, stories are entertaining, and it is this non-threatening entertainment in which people are relaxed and open enough to learn and deepen their sense of self, their sense of their world.”

Storyfest is sponsored by MindPlace on Orcas and Friends of the Orcas Island Library. Donations to the various events of Orcas Storyfest will be gratefully accepted.

For more details visit: (click on ‘Fifth Orcas Storyfest’)