— by Margie Doyle —

HatsOffThe Orcas Athletics Boosters organized their members, and the island sports teams they support to help their long-time sports rivals at Darrington when disaster struck last weekend.

As Justin Paulsen wrote: “The plan for Tuesday afternoon was fairly standard for an early spring day at Buck Park: The Viking Spring Sports teams would be battling with their rivals, the Darrington Loggers, in the first league match-up of the season. Instead, the games have been cancelled and the Loggers find themselves in a battle that is far more important as they face the devastation that has recently hit their community.”

Vikings sports teams stood on local street corners in yesterday’s rain, wind — and sunshine —  to collect over $4,000 (an early count) to support the Red Cross effort to bring relief to their sports rival community of Darrington which was devastated by the massive mudslide last Saturday. The likely death toll at this point in time is 24, though authorities are working off a list of 176 people unaccounted for.

The students also had sports jerseys which community members could sign messages of encouragement and sympathy. The supportive rally was quickly organized by Orcas Athletics Boosters Club, and included efforts by the Orcas High School Spring Sports Teams, whose athletes include students from Orcas Christian School. Plans are being made to present the signed jerseys and the donation to Darrington High School at a future date.