Today, Orcas Island School District Superintendent Barbara Kline announced her decision to resign in June of 2014.

In a statement she said, “For some time, I have known that I would be retiring either in June of 2014 or June of 2015.   In the summer, I decided that June of 2014 was the better choice.

“Since then, I have been walking around looking at the decision from various angles.  It appears to be the right decision for both the district and me.

“Therefore, I am announcing my retirement effective June 30, 2014.

“It has been my privilege to work for this district and with a wonderful and varied staff for many years.  At this time, we have two excellent principals in place, an experienced school board, and a bond project entering the building phase before the end this year. ”

Kline went on to mention the work that lies ahead this school year:

“Between now and the end of June, we have work to do on the bond and facilities, the new 5D+ Framework and observations and evaluations, PBIS, common core, systems for OASIS K-12, etc, etc….

“We also have transition planning to do in order to find a new superintendent.

“I am announcing this now so that the board has time to consider what qualities and experience they are looking for in their next superintendent.  “