Off the Edge Film Festival coming in two weeks!

Off the Edge Film Festival coming in two weeks!

— by Margie Doyle —

Vote now on OIFF-sponsored film submissions

The First Orcas Island Film Festival (OIFF) is shaping up to be a great collaboration of Orcas creative, cultural and business supporters — all of us!

Right now, anyone connected to the internet can watch three short films produced with $1,500 grants from OIFF and vote on their favorite. To view and vote for the movies, go to

Lead organizer Jared Lovejoy, “a big film buff,” has been planning this community event, from Friday evening, Oct. 10 through Monday, Oct. 13, for the last two years. He says,  “I’ve done a lot of cultural festivals and I’m familiar with how it generates commerce and business in our community,” says Lovejoy.

“Orcas is the perfect place to host an edgy film festival,” he adds. “The ultimate success will be to push film artists to define island personality, to promote OIFF entries, and to get our films in the festival circuit.”

With the support of the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce, (of which he is a board member) Lovejoy began by applying to the County’s Lodging and Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) for grants dedicated for the Orcas Film Festival.

Carl Spence, artistic director of the Seattle International Film Fest and part-time Orcas resident, has been lining up films from international film festivals to show at OIFF.

Further organization demanded at least two venues to show the films: Orcas Center came on board as a sponsor; and so did the Sea View Theatre, provided it could become modernized with a digital projector. Hence, Lovejoy and the growing OIFF team collaborated with Donna Laslo, John Mount and the Sea View Theatre supporters. Random Howse will also be a venue for the Film Festival, and will host the Gala on Saturday night, October 11, beginning at 9 p.m.

There will be documentaries, comedies, drama animation, feature films and an entry from “local hero” Tom Kenyon during the festival. The film fun begins at 5 p.m. Friday, October 10 with screenings at three venues. In solidarity, island restaurants will hold Happy Hour celebrations rather than one big opening party.

A special dinner on Sunday at Doe Bay, held in conjunction with WriteDoeBay writing festival, will screen short films.

Ticket costs are $120 for all 27 films, $50 for Fri/Sat passes, $40 for Sat., Sun, and Monday one-day passes, and  $11.50 for each movie. The Saturday Gala and Sunday dinner are separately-ticketed events.

Sponsors are needed to help underwrite the festival. Those interested can email or go to

Sponsors will join an impressive slate of local and regional businesses and non-profits already signed up: the Outlook Inn, the Stranger, the Seattle International Film Festival, Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce, the Sounder, Orcas Center, Sea View Theatre, Mijitas restaurant, Island Market,Orcas Open Arts, the Barnacle, Kenmore Air, Brown Bear Baking, SeaStar Lofts, Odelae, Random Howse, Orcas Issues, Golden Tree Hostel, Deer Harbor Resort, Siren Boutique, Orcas Food Co-op, Sahale Snacks, Mia’s Cafe, Magnetic/Erv, Heartwood Inspired Living.

Volunteers are also still needed for the OIFF: filming events; event set up, concession sales, ticketing and ushers are some of the areas where they are needed. Each volunteer will get a two-person  pass to view all films (between their festival volunteer commitments)– and a festival t-shirt. To volunteer, email Ian Woolworth at . Those interested are asked to attend a volunteer meeting this Sunday, Sept. 28 at the Sea View Theatre at 4 p.m.

Self-described “Ringleader and Chief Instigator of OIFF” Jared Lovejoy says, “The film festival will drive culture and commerce. It will take a few years to build as a community,and is a great way to bring the community together.”

For more about scheduling and tickets, go to