— by Margie Doyle, Publisher and Historian —

2016 Stories and Links — an incomplete list, browse our archives (go to the link in the left-hand sidebar) and add your interests:

Orcas population suffers losses:
Sadly, several of the orcas born in the 2015 whale baby boom, along with others, have died this year. Ken Balcomb of the says of the fate of the Southern Residents long-term: “These whales are starving,” he says. “There simply aren’t enough salmon out there for them to eat

Healthcare on Orcas changes with Island Hospital leaving Orcas Medical Foundation:

Fire and Rescue undergoes changes a Fire Chief and commissioners

Orcas Center too is experiencing a change of leadership with the departure of Kara O’Toole, Executive/Artistic Director since 2011.

OPAL’s future plans

  • The EPRC efforts to standardize streets may mean increased costs and environmental concerns for OPAL’s future plans https://theorcasonian.com/eprc-for-OPAL/
  • https://theorcasonian.com/opal-announces-progress-addressing-housing-crisis/
  • Disappointing end-of-year news regarding OPAL’s mixed-income multi-unit rental project means that addition of 30 homes will be delayed at least until 2018 (LINK here)

Orcas Public School District

  • McLeary decision eludes State Legislature: https://theorcasonian.com/dorn-court-must-rule-mccleary-quickly/
  • The Orcas Island School District saw completion of the successful $11M Phase II bond, and the School Board hopes to pass another bond for Phase III with a new donor-backed track, a new music room and — most important to many long-time school supporters — repairs of the Old Gym, the “old lady with the round roof” in the middle of campus
  • Elementary School Principal Kathy Page also left the island’s school district in August 2015, with Theresa Mayr taking her place for one year. Now nationally-accredited teacher Lorena Stankevich has moved from her 1st and 2nd grade classrooms to the Principal’s office.

County Comprehensive Plans: Having passed the Critical Areas Ordinance in 2015, the County tackled updates to the Shoreline Management Plan this year. Next year, the County Comprehensive Code is scheduled for updates.

  • How a developing Eastsound will look is the comprehensive project undertaken by the Eastsound Planning Review Committee; spearheaded by Jim Jonassen. A meeting in  October, arranged by Gretchen Krampf, Jared Lovejoy and Jonassen, (https://theorcasonian.com/great-ideas-50-50-visionaries/ )resulted in forward-looking insight by the under-50s of our community.
  • https://theorcasonian.com/eastsound-visioning-statement-now-survey/
  • A community consensus workshop, planned over several days, will start in January 2917, with Fred Klein facilitating; to participate, go to https://theorcasonian.com/vision-future-eastsound-3/

Orcas Recycling Services worked towards a road and a new Exchange building on its property, leased from the county.

A new dog park is coming to Land Bank property just east of Buck Park (LINK here) with the efforts of San Juan County Land Bank, Orcas Park and Rec and OOLA (Orcas Off-Leash Area) non-profit

The Next Chapter Public Library expansion began, thanks to community funding boosted by a gift from Bob Henigson’s estate and state funding secured with the help of State Senator Kevin Ranker



Work on the Orcas Ferry Landing and turnaround continues with funding from the state Department of Transportation and the county, to allow for a terminal building across from the Village Store and a Park and Ride facility north of the current ferry toll booth

The “Fern Street Extension” finally became Fern Street Park, emerging from the blocked-off county public works lot, thanks to the interest and involvement of Councilman Rick Hughes, County Public Works Director Brian Vincent and especially, Ben Browner and the Orcassong Farm Folks (LINK Here)

Rock Island and T-mobile partnered to bring better broadband access to OPALCO members county-wide by sharing infrastructure and expertise  https://theorcasonian.com/rock-island-t-mobile-partner-strengthen-internet-access/

Compassionate Orcas volunteers provide for the Severe Weather Shelter at Orcas Community Church, with Janine Heimerich coordinating efforts.

Coal Port Terminal Expansion, rejected by Army Corps of Engineers, (LINK here) reinvigorated local faith in “people power,” reinforced by a overflow crowd at Orcas Center to hear legendary newsman Hedrick Smith’s talk on “The Political Earthquake of 2016” in November, sponsored by Orcas Currents..”( LINK here )

Youth Conservation Corps 2nd season under leadership of Mary Gropp with assistance of a grant from Washington State Recreation and Conservation office and funds from the county Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)https://theorcasonian.com/oiycc-eliminates-yellow-archangel-saves-trees-dog-park/


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