Sunday, February 25, 4 p.m., Senior Center

— from Carol Kulminski —

If you have ever asked the question, “When should I give up hope for a specific situation in my life, like my marriage or my relationship with my son or daughter?” come and see “War Room.” By the end of the movie, the answer is clear.

“War Room” is a PG rated movie that played nationally in the theaters. This is a powerful movie that demonstrates how prayer changes everything. From the creators of “Fireproof,” “Courageous,” and “Facing the Giants,” this movie is inspiring and filled with humor and heart.

“War Room” is being shown at the Orcas Senior Center this Saturday, Feb. 25, at 4 p.m. Admission and popcorn are free. Sodas are 50 cents.

This is a community event sponsored by Orcas Life Church.