Two Workshops — July 9 and July 23
As part of this summer’s reading program, kids can sign up for a free workshop to learn the basics of computer animation using a free program called Scratch. Kids will learn how to create, design, and animate a character and can then share their creation to the Scratch website. Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten research group at the MIT Media Lab.
The dates for the two training workshops are Friday, July 9, and Friday, July 23, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Orcas Island Library meeting room. Laptop computers will be provided and class size is limited to 5 students. Students must be at least 8 years of age and familiar with very basic computer use. Signup at the Library is required prior to the workshop date, and there is no charge for the workshop.
Contact Nita Couchman at the Library at 376-4985 with questions.
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