Ta Da! We have looked into the future and make these predictions for 2018:

  1. State Department of Transportation will add solar-power boats to its fleet of ferries
  2. Victoria will complete its sewage treatment plant, with pressure from its neighbors in the San Juans — tourists, legislators and health and environmental activists
  3. The Comprehensive County Plan will spark sharp debate among development and conservation advocates and set an example for civil conversation and meaningful resolutions
  4. Prune Alley sidewalks will begin to be installed; Orcas Road “curve-straightening” will be delayed
  5. Orcas Island Fire & Rescue will construct and dedicate its 9/11 memorial, removing the Twin Towers artifact from the fire station lobby.
  6. County docking buoys in East Sound will serve summer visitors; one “party boat” will be a focal point of summer festivities.
  7. Port of Orcas development plan will revitalize “split zone” discussion for the corner of Mt. Baker Road and North Beach Road (Open Houses to air plan are scheduled for Jan. 10 from 1-2 and from 5-6:30 p.m.
  8. Orcas voters will pass a Public Hospital District; Orcas Family Health will be served by the district.
  9. Lummi Nation will work with Orcas Islanders to increase political clout of historic Salish Sea and Orca protections

As for New Year’s Resolutions, ahem! We’ll tell you ours if you comment and tell us yours:

Margie: Set aside one day a week to deal with taxes, archives, photos and files! I am not a hoarder!

Lin: Move. Get out of my desk chair more.

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