The Orcas Island Prevention Partnership Annual Meeting and Dinner, scheduled for May 27,  was canceled May 24 due to insufficient ticket sales.

The following article by Marta Nielson, Director of the OIPP Community Coalition was written to announce OIPP’s achievements during its 10 years of federal funding and its new plans:

During the past ten years Orcas Island Prevention Partnership – a Community Coalition — has kept the ideal of  Prevention in the forefront for Islanders by providing awareness, advocacy and action.

With our Partner organizations and funding from a Drug Free Communities federal grant, O.I.P.P. has provided education and intervention about underage drinking, substance abuse and violence issues impacting our community via school and community classes and programs, outreach, media and community forums.  We have worked for laws, policies and community practices that support positive youth development and parent involvement, and have been pro-active in building the “protective factors” which help reduce risky behaviors.

You yourselves, your family members, neighbors, relatives or someone you know may have been affected by a program, event, group or class made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Orcas Island Prevention Partnership.  Such programs as:

  • Tribes to Technology class
  • Active Parenting Classes
  • Natural Helpers Program
  • O.P.E.N. – Orcas Parents Encouraging Networking
  • Strengthening Families program
  • County-wide publication Prevention News
  • HS Leadership club – POINT BLANK
  • Coalition’s website –
  • Community Mindfulness Forums
  • Prevention Town Halls
  • Community & Teen Resource Cards
  • Life Skills & 2nd Step character education classes grades 2- 6
  • Teens & the Law forum
  • Orcas School’s Elementary Counselor’s position
  • Funhouse mentoring program
  • Teen Tutoring program
  • Middle school “Talking Circles”
  • “Healthy Relationships” meetings for teenagers
  • TATU – Teens Against Tobacco

In October, O.I.P.P. will no longer be funded through federal dollars – but will depend instead on local and foundation grants and fundraisers to keep working for a safe and healthy community.

For further information, call 376-1547 or email

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**