In the past the Lions Club has provided money to the fire department for purchase of the power lift gurneys and last year the Lions supported a community fundraiser for Mercy Flights. This year the Orcas Island Lions Club is excited to announce a fundraiser to purchase much needed medical equipment for Orcas Island Fire & Rescue. Regardless of your feelings about the current tax levy, this is a chance to help save some money for
the department and provide equipment to meet the community needs.

The Fire Department is in need of equipment upgrades for their video larynogoscopes which are currently 12 years old. Video laryngoscopes are a vital piece of equipment that our fire department paramedics use to place breathing tubes for patients who are unable to breath adequately on their own.

The fire department is currently using 12-year-old scopes which are at the end of their serviceable life without significant refurbishment and updating. OIFR researched the option of updating/refurbishing the current video laryngoscopes and found that replacement with newer devices was less expensive. All fire department paramedics participated in an evaluation process of current video laryngoscopes available for prehospital use and the decision was made to replace the current GlideScopes with the more compact and higher resolution OneScope.

Funds raised in this effort will be used to replace the current scopes and place the new OneScopes in service immediately. The new OneScope is small enough to be carried in the paramedic’s kits and has a larger screen with a higher resolution, improving the airway view for the paramedic placing the breathing tube.

The total cost for the OneScope purchase is approximately $8,000.00 with additional funds needed to purchase the disposable parts that are needed for each of the scopes use in the field and in training. The Lions Club is proud to join in this effort to support the community and the department. Through the month of December, the Lions Club will match up to $5,000.00 in community donations for the purchase of this much needed equipment to benefit all residents of Orcas Island. Donations should go to:

Orcas Island Lions Foundation
PO Box 1212
Eastsound, WA 98245

The Orcas Island Club Foundation is a 501(C3) organization which makes any donation tax deductible. OILF EIN: 31-1730975.


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